
Home Training Individual training Intervision Route

During the intervision sessions the participants share with each other some difficult situations, which they encounter in their work. We look into the role the participant subconsciously plays in the creation and continuation of such a situation.

Feedback from the other participants as well as the trainer will help to see more clearly the effects of one’s behaviour. Role play is often used as a means to clarify the situation as well as a way to practice with a more efficient approach.

If you are interested or if you have any questions mail to Momentum


Berenda Dekkers
Sociaal Psycholoog/Trainer

Mansholt-Nes 10
1862 AD Bergen
The Netherlands

Phone : +31 725815897
Mobile : +31 629096976

Email: info@momentumnl.com

"Als je met beide benen op de grond staat kom je geen stap verder" (loesje)

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